New York is a city where students and professionals from everywhere come here trying to make their dreams come true, actors and actresses come to audition trying to get into Broadway or a theater company; meanwhile, all these students and professionals make their living in New York working as waiters. In New York waiters work base on tips their salaries are below the minimum wage, this is the reason New York has a tipping culture. Restaurants: You can tip depending on how good was your service: excellent: 20% Good: 18% Average: 15% although if you think your service is not good enough you could leave a 10% Other simple way used to figure out the tip, it is double the tax (TAX) tax in New York is the 8.75 % Remember Tip is suggested, but if you want to return to a restaurant and receive good service as you deserve don't forget to treat your waiter well *Taxis: It is usually 10% tip.