Temple Emanuel

1 E 65th St, New York, NY
(212) 744-1400
68th Street – Hunter College

Temple Emanuel

Schedule:         Sunset

                        5:30 pm Sunday - Thursday

                        Saturday Service

                        Friday afternoon

                        Organ recital 5: 45 p.m.


It is the world's largest synagogue. The name Emanu-El comes from Hebrew and means "God with us". 2,500 worshipers are allowed, founded in 1845 by the first congregation was established in New York, many of the most important and richest families are members of the Reform congregation, made of limestone, Temple Emanuel is designed in the architectural style Romanesque and Byzantine influence, its ornamentation includes Moorish and Art Deco elements and its sanctuary is covered with mosaics, equal to the mosaics of the Blue Mosque in Turkey, its building as a whole symbolize the blending of Eastern and Western cultures. The temple houses the free Herbert & Eileen Bernard Museum detailing the history of the congregation and the local Jewish life. The small but interesting collection includes Hanukkah lamps dating from the 14th century until the 20th century, also hosts lectures, films, music, symposiums and other events.


Our advice:

The Temple Emanu-El gives the members space for events for the cycle of life and has a whole cater logistics where 350 people are allowed and have a room for dancing.