NYC Bhangras Holi Hai
Plaza Dag Hammarskjold

NYC Bhangras Holi Hai

Date:                       April 27, 2020 (1 to 8 p.m.)   

The Holi Hai Festival is celebrated at the park near  United Nations on 47th street and 2nd Avenue, this event takes place in Manhattan from noon till 6 in the evening. This festival is free open to the public and it’s filled with sweets, Indian food, dancing and opulent colors. 

Holi Hai is considered the most colorful fair in the city. (drums) called Dholis give life to the crowd with their rhythm, Bhangra is an energetic indian folk dance from the northern regions of India; Traditionally this celebration takes place  on a Sunday following the first full moon of Spring in the Hindu calendar.

During  Phagwah streets are painted with lively colors, families and  children color each other to scare the gray of winter. The festival invites people to immerse themselves in colors to celebrate the start of the spring, you can be at any nationality to attend and enjoy the music and dance of Bhangra.

Our advice:

Holi Hai Festival takes placein New York at the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza near the United Nations on 47th Street and 2nd Ave 

The festival is free and open to anyone who wants to join and have fun