Useful phone numbers

Useful phone numbers

911 Emergency Services (Police, Fire Department, Ambulance) you can request any language

311Parking Regulations, if your car  is being towed you could get information of its location, any other information - that are not emergencies.

Manhattan Prefixes 212, 646, 917

Other districts Prefixes 718, 347, 917

 Country Prefix 1

International calls Prefix 011 + Country Prefix

International Prefixes

Argentina 54

Aruba 297

Australia 61

Austria 43

Bolivia 591

Brasil 55

Canada 1

Chile 56

Colombia 57

Costa Rica 506

Cuba 53

Republica Dominicana 1

Ecuador 593

El Salvador 503

Francia 33

Grecia 30

Guatemala 502

Haití 509

Honduras 504

Hong Kong 852

Italia 39

Jamaica 876

Japón 81

Mexico 52

Nicaragua 505

Panama 507

Peru 51

Puerto Rico 1

España 34

Uruguay 598

Venezuela 58