Opening Hours
Monday to Wednesday 9am to 11pm
Thursday to Saturday 9am to 12 am
Sunday 12pm to 9pm
At Heights Wines & Liquors we specialize in wines from around the world for every budget and taste from collectible to economical.
From the moment you walk into our store, our friendly and courteous staff will help you choose the perfect beverage for your next event or get together. We stock a wide range of wines and liquors that are sure to quench any thirst.
Our spirit selection is unmatched, with a wide variety of cognac, scotch and specialty spirits, liqueurs, bourbons, tequilas and more.
We take pride in our experience, our hard working and knowledgeable staff. We like to get to know our customers, their needs and desires, so that we can help them find the right drink for that perfect occasion.
Share the gift of good times! Like your favourite wine or spirits, certain things are meant to be shared.
Let us help you find what you are looking for; and if we don’t have it, we can order it for you!