Gingerbread Extravaganza
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Gingerbread Extravaganza

Location:                Parker Meridian Hotel

                             119 West 56th Street, New York, NY 10019

Date:                     First Sunday of December / 19

                            to first Sunday in January / 20

At Christmas time there is a custom in New York and other cities to manufacture with gingerbread reproductions thumbnail icons of the Big Apple, such as Cyclone at Coney Island, the Empire State Building and an underground station are just some of the landmarks designed by renowned local pastry chefs.

Visitors pay a dollar and vote to choose the most creative sweet year, among voters a stay of five nights at the Parker Palm Springs luxury raffle. You can also vote online on the website :

Our advice:

Rather than attend a decembrinas event it is to help a philanthropic organization that makes grants to people who lack food in the city.

All proceeds from the sale of entry is intended to City Harvest.

There is not allowed snacks !, viewers can enjoy hot white chocolate with gingerbread spices in Sota, espresso bar, or visit other participating venues around the city of gingerbread.