Coney Island Aquarium
602 Surf Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11224

Coney Island Aquarium

This is an average Price; it changes according to each place. The New York City Aquarium was inaugurated on 10 December 1896; you can observe marine life and detail many species, such as moray eels, moray eels, tiger sharks, sea lions, walruses, otters, seals and penguins, turtles, toads and frogs. Its facilities occupy an area of 14 hectares and is home to approximately 8000 copies of more than 350 different species of aquatic fauna. The aquarium was severely damaged by the storm surge of hurricane Sandy, but was able to re-open from May 25 2013 in part and exhibitions are once again open all day. It is expected that the full reparations are going to take until the year 2016. However, the organization of the aquarium allows you to both children and adults the opportunity to learn about the species they are seeing, because in addition to the written information, it also provides guides and the opportunity to speak with experts zoologists on the animals they are watching. Shows are organised to feed the penguins and observe sea lions in the Aquatheater; and the Planet Earth - shallow seas 4D Experience: an attraction in which the viewers are imbued with the sounds, sights, scents and colors of the ocean. The admission fee has been reduced while they rebuild, for children from 3 years up to $ 9.95 . The admission in summer Fridays from 4:00 pm to close and the Autumn / Winter / Spring Friday of 3:00 PM until closure is by donation pay, what I would like to. Every dollar that is compatible with the job of taking care of the animals in New York and around the world. Recommended Donation is $5 per person.